
[Video] Paco - 4th Quarter

Canadian based DPC Movements Records presents their Filipino artist Paco with his latest video "4th Quarter". This release date is especially important because today (July 1st) is Canada Day. Join us in making this a special release and major movement for DPC by watching, sharing, and taking this release viral.
Directed by Fatty Soprano [Driven Paper Films] @FattySoprano on twitter www.drivenpaperfilms.com Driven Paper Films on Facebook drivenpaperfilms@gmail.com Contact Paco: itsPaco514@gmail.com Paco Postigo on Facebook Twitter:@paco_postigo IG: itspaco514 #MGMT/Booking/Interviews Info: Linkcon Prezzy Demetrius 514.712.3721 @LinkPrezzy on twitter/IG prezzydabossdpc@gmail.com www.dpcmovements.com